Last week we hosted an All Kenya mid-level training. We had 40 leaders from 4 different multiplying networks (see map below) in Kenya. We spent the week sharpening one another as we searched the scriptures and made plans to continue multiplying churches in the areas around Kenya that are not yet engaged. Our team was so encouraged to see the faithfulness and fruitfulness of our Kenyan brothers and sisters. Indeed, they are sacrificing greatly to see the name of Jesus known, and his kingdom expand. Trainings like that would not be possible without generous donations from many of you. Thank you all so very much!
The statistics below include the work of these leaders and their disciples. These leaders have also traveled to catalyze work in Tanzania, Rwanda, and other places throughout Kenya.
Altogether, this year in Kenya, our team has done:
58,396 Gospel shares
346 Baptisms
103 Churches Plants
2,824 people have been trained to share the Gospel
1,069 people have been trained in discipleship and church planting.