The Pandemic: A “masked” blessing.

We are excited to report that despite the many setbacks brought by Covid-19, the Lord used this season to expand his Kingdom across Africa!
Ben, a Kenyan disciple, accepted Christ in December 2019. Since then, Ben has started a multiplying church planting movement in his area of Kenya that is now reaching into other peoples and countries.
Robert, a Kenyan pastor, received Four Fields training in May 2021. Since then, he has trained his network of pastors and churches and seen 126 people baptized and 26 new churches and discipleship groups begin.
While borders were closed to other countries, our team spent most of 2020 and 2021 partnering with God here in Kenya. It has been incredible to labor in the many harvest fields of Kenya where people are spiritually hungry and longing for discipleship. At the same time, God has opened doors to some of the more gospel resistant peoples and places in Africa.
With the help of our teammates, we started a year-long residency program focusing on planting and reproducing healthy churches across the city of Nairobi. The program consists of 16 committed bi-vocational disciple makers and church planters who meet weekly for training and runs from October 2021 to October 2022.
In 2021, we hosted the first ever All-Africa No Place Left Summit in Nairobi. Practitioners from across Africa, and the world, came together for encouragement, fellowship and training.
team opened training hubs in South Africa, South Sudan and Uganda.
Four Fields training (multiplying healthy churches and working towards movement) has taken off across the continent, from Cape Town to Lusaka to Northern Nigeria and everywhere in-between.
In the summer of 2021 Joey and Justin White spent 2 weeks traveling across the United States casting vision and recruiting help from among No Place Left churches. 2022 looks promising as more believers are prayerfully considering relocating to labor in the harvest fields of Africa.
Africans are going to the nations too! We are seeing African believers beginning to connect and partner with Indians and others as they pursue taking the gospel to the ends of the earth until there is no place left.
Our team helped launch a missionary to a highly restrictive country in the Horn of Africa.
