Over the last few months, as we have been distributing the Gospels of John in Somali and proclaiming the Gospel among the Somalis, we have had various responses. Some people have just been outright belligerent, others have been curious, and a few have been interested. One such case happened two weeks ago when a friend, Jeremy, and his family from the US were visiting us here in Nairobi. While we were eating at one of our favorite restaurants in town, we noticed a young Muslim man named Mohammed hidden deep in the back of the restaurant and sitting by himself when he should have been at the mosque for his Friday prayers. As Jeremy shared his testimony, Mohammed's disposition began to change. He opened up that he too was a believer in Jesus but was hiding from his family and friends. Since that encounter, we have only met with him one other time to discuss the steps he should take for discipleship. Pray for Mohammed who is living a secret life burdened by fear. Pray that he would take steps to throw off his spirit of fear and exchange it for a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.